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Monday, October 29, 2012

10 ways to get massively more sales leads from your Motor Club of America (MCA) Website or business domain!

MCA sales leads or inquiries, are an essential part of the marketing process. After all, a steady flow of good quality sales leads, when acted upon correctly, can lead to a regular stream of lucrative business and allow business owners to plan ahead with confidence.
This brief post, contains 10 popular, effective lead generation ideas, which you may want to add to your marketing arsenal.

Why bother?
Many small business owners make the mistake of relying too heavily on just 1 or 2 sources of leads.
The problem with that approach, is that if one of those lead sources slows down or stops delivering, you are in BIG trouble! It’s far better to develop a wide spread of inbound, sales lead opportunities.
So, let’s get started!

Sales Leads via Word of mouth

If you want to get the marketplace talking about you to their friends, give them something to talk about!
The golden rule of generating leads via word of mouth, is that you need to be remarkable if you want people to remark on you!

Sales Leads via Email marketing

This is easily one of the most powerful forms of lead generation I have ever used. For very little cost, a professionally copy written email marketing campaign can generate a steady supply of high quality, targeted sales leads for your business. Don’t do like most small business owners and use amateur marketing copy, but it doesn’t work.

Sales leads via Twitter

I have personally generated well over $10,000 for my Motor Club of America business, directly via leads I attracted via Twitter. Sadly, I have met just a tiny number of people, who use Twitter correctly, as a form of lead / business generation.
Here’s a tip: Be selective and don’t just follow every person and every “trend” you see!

Sales Leads via Tele Marketing

Whilst I do not recommend you try this yourself, you might want to consider using a professional telemarketing company as a source of lead generation. This works better in some industries and countries, than others; so look before you leap. Check out ANY telemarketing company before you consider using them and ask for references.

Sales Leads via Networking

I choose to do all my networking online these days, but whether you choose online or offline networking, the key is to network with the right kind of people.
Form associations with people, who either have a need for your services or access to people, with a need for your services. Let them know what you do and the kind of people you work with, so they know who to recommend you to.
This will greatly increase the volume and quality of leads you get.

Sales Leads via Mail shots

Mail shots, (sometimes called direct marketing) has become an increasingly powerful way to generate leads. With more and more marketing moving online, a hand signed letter from a fellow businessperson these days REALLY catches the reader’s attention.

Sales Leads via your Website or blog

Bottom line: Your site should be a lead generating machine for your business.
Look at the rectangular box below this post. Every day, people read that message and click the link. This helps produce leads for my business 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Get your site’s SEO right and get it professionally copy written, so people feel compelled to click YOUR links and get in touch.
Also, make it easy for people to contact you. Publish your phone number and email address. If you use a contact form, just ask for their name, email address and message. You don’t need anything else to begin with and every extra piece of info you ask for, massively LOWERS your conversion rates!

Sales Leads via Newsletters

Newsletters are a great way to generate leads. I have found that a well written newsletter, which resonates with your audience, is a very effective way to position yourself as the person with the answers, to their problems. Then, when they decide to get professional help with their problem, you are already the natural choice.
Just make sure you are approachable and that you let your readers know that you are happy to speak with them. Tell them that they are under no obligation by contacting you and that you will treat their email or call in total confidence.

Sales Leads via Advertising

The right message, placed in the correct advertising vehicle, can produce fast, measurable results. The reason so many small business owners claim advertising doesn't work, is that they use amateur copy and put it in the wrong place. I assure you, advertising works! However, an uninspiring message sent to the wrong people, at the wrong time, doesn't work (how could it?) If you are thinking of advertising and you have tried before and found it didn't work, either get a professional in – or leave it! You can waste a lot of money with ineffective advertising.
Obviously, there are far, far too many proven ways to generate leads, than can be covered in a blog post. However, I hope those above have got you thinking about investing in some new, lead generating activities.
I’d love to hear what you have tried in the past, either successfully or otherwise. Please leave a comment and share your feedback.

To your success,
Thomas Price, AST (Automated Success Team), Motor Club of America San Antonio

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1 comment:

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