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Thursday, November 1, 2012

How to Promote your Motor Club of America (MCA) MLM Blog for Maximum Success and Impact

In today’ article I wanted to give everyone a few dynamite sure fire ways to promote their MLM Blog for greater success. When you start implementing the strategies that I’m about to reveal to you, your blog will begin to take off like never before.

Here are a few simple yet powerful things you can do to promote your blog and begin growing a dedicated populace of avid readers and followers:

1. Email Market Your MCA MLM Blog:

This is surely the most important thing you can do to grow your blog. Building an email list of your blog subscribers has countless benefits.

You’ll want to email your list every time you publish a new MCA MLM blog post and you can use Aweber to handle this feature for you by automatically broadcasting your blog to your email subscribers every time you post. Also be sure and include some kind of offer and opt-in form on your blog to capture readers of your blogs information and add them to your email list.

2. Cultivate and Encourage Community:

Creating a community is what every MCA blogger aspires to achieve. We all want our readers to start commenting, sharing and raving about our blog-posts and the training they receive from us.

One of the best ways out there to attract comments and the kind of readership that gets you shared, liked, commented on, etc. is to seek out and stalk people already commenting on blogs in your niche. Find established blogs in your niche, and then tap into some of their community by commenting on posts that other followers are already commenting on.
If these active followers who are already creating social action on these websites like your comments and content, they will checkout your MCA MLM blog, and they will most likely subscribe to or at the least begin to comment on the content on your blog.
Once you’re getting leads and building your list via your opt-in form on your blog or through your other sales funnel capture pages, you need to make personal connections with these people. Call them if you can, add them on your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. at the very least.

Basically, the more places you connect with others the more exposure you get. Your new content is now showing up on Twitter, Facebook, etc. and you’re emailing every new post to your subscribers. Your latest commentary is now in their inbox, Facebook wall, and Twitter feed. You are starting to command some pretty substantial real estate in your followers web space, and it becomes all the more likely they will begin to read your posts, comment, like, respond to your request, etc.

3. MCA MLM Blog Link Building Campaign

Your linking strategy is paramount to your blogs success and health. Without a way for people to find your content no one will ever know that your blog even exists. Search engine traffic is vital to your success. You must have a commanding presence in the search engines for your blog and your content to get noticed. This is all the more critical in the early stages of your blog as you are building your reputation and brand.

There are essentially two main steps to start getting more search engine traffic. But it is imperative that you first understand the principles of online traffic and search engine popularity.
For every blog post you write, target a keyword or phrase that’s getting the type of traffic you need to succeed.
Then syndicate that content everywhere you can immediately.
You can instantly syndicate your posts onto Facebook, Twitter and 28 other social networks and create instant backlinks at the push of a button by using specialized SEO tool's that you can find online.

Be sure to create a short promotional video for your post and distribute it to video sites across the net for some powerful instant SEO love. Then spin the post and submit it to a few hundred+ article directories to create even more link love with this strategy.
On top of that you can use Hubpages, WordPress, Squidoo, Technorati, etc. as another way to building backlinks, use them individually or install a plugin called WP Syndicator to do this.

To your success,
Thomas Price, AST (Automated Success Team), Motor Club of America San Antonio


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1 comment:

  1. Türkiye İnsanlar artık evde iş yapmak istiyorum ya da daha fazla kazanmak almak istiyorum büyük bir iş fırsatı olması, şaşırtıcı MLM strateji ile LifeWave katılmak ve gelecekte güvenli yapabilirsiniz.
    iş fırsatı
